This week we started to reassemble the track and realized that many of the pieces do not fit together as they should. Each curved rail has a specific mate that it must match with. It has led to a very frustrating trial and error of trying to reassemble the track. Additionally, we are certain that many important pieces of the track are missing and will need to be rebuilt. This led me to focusing on making headway on the track bender so that we can get the track back to working order.
This week was the start of the 2nd presentation. The presentations had to be cut short because of the move of the guide way from campus to the 115 Terraine St location. The remainder of the class was spent purchasing our final materials and setting up reimbursements with Tinan. We believe we have everything we need ordered. Also, I found a family friend that can provide access to basic welding equipment! Hopefully it will be enough for us to complete what we need to.
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